About MultiSoft Ltd.

Get to know us better!

The technology of the future, from the supplier of the present...

Our company offers a complete solution in the field of corporate governance, customer relationship management and custom software development. In addition to our market leading position in Hungary, we have international channels across five continents.

Our nearly thirty years of experience, the continuous monitoring of the development of technology and the continuous training of our specialists guarantee that we can always serve our customers at the highest level, thus providing them with the opportunity for continuous development. The success of our work is proven by the recognition of multinational companies, long-term partnerships and hundreds of satisfied customers.

Get to know the business areas of MultiSoft!

Business solutions

Our colleagues mainly deal with Microsoft solutions (Business Central - formerly Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision, CRM, BI, automotive additional solutions) in this business,, carry out implementation activities at our partners and support our customers after the introduction of the systems.

Innovative solutions

Thanks to our innovative solutions business line, in addition to being able to follow the ever-evolving technological trends, we are also able to enter the market with new, innovative solutions.


Our testing business branch allows us to continuously provide our solutions in the most perfect form possible for our customers.

Dictation systems

In addition to ERP, customer relationship management solutions and custom software development, our company's activities also include the development, testing and distribution of the Philips Digital Dictation System.
“Our goal is to build and maintain long-term relationships with our customers in the spirit of mutual satisfaction. We deliver solutons, not software in our projects".
Gábor Kelemen
Owner and executive director of Multisoft Ltd.
Years of experience
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Satisfied customer
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Our customers, our clients

Due to our past, we can say that we operate as the company with the greatest experience in the Hungarian market in connection with software-related developments and implementations: we have a uniquely large number of references in Hungary.

Our partners

Our unique goals play a major role in making multinational companies such as Siemens, Philips and Microsoft our current partners.

Kedves Érdeklődő! Szeretnénk jelezni, hogy a MultiSoft Kft. nem foglalkozik pénzügyi befektetésekkel. Nincs AI alapú, tőzsdei alkalmazásunk. Amennyiben erre hivatkozva keresnék meg a nevünkben, semmiképp ne utaljon az általuk megadott bankszámlaszámra.


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